CAMMSE INES Ph.D. research assistant Mr. Pengfei Liu was a Second Place Award Winner at the Graduate Research Symposium
CAMMSE INES Ph.D. research assistant Mr. Pengfei Liu was a Second Place Award Winner out of 16 posters at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Research Symposium. It was a successful event with a nice mix of faculty, students, alumni, and friends from industry.
CAMMSE Director and Students Attended the NCDOT Project Kickoff Meeting
CAMMSE Center Director Dr. Wei Fan and Ph.D. Students (Ms. Zijing Lin and Mr. Shaojie Liu) attended the NCDOT Project Kickoff Meeting, entitled “RP 2020-043: Bicycle Volume: Counting Machine Validation & Correction, Estimating & Forecasting, and Analysis of Injury Risk” on Thrusday September 19, at Raleigh, NC.