
UNC Charlotte has always been committed to an explicit policy and active program of engaging diverse and underrepresented groups. The goal of these efforts has been to increase interest in STEM disciplines and awareness of careers in the transportation fields. Historically, these efforts have targeted a broad range of diverse groups:

  1. Summer Program to Increase Diversity in Undergraduate Research: Introduces Minority high school students to opportunities in transportation.
  2. Black and Hispanic Engineers and Minority Women: Leverage existing relationships with National Society of Black Engineers, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, and Society of Women in Engineering, etc.

In order for the transportation workforce to reflect the diversity of the national workforce pool, CAMMSE will continue to pursue the development of innovative programs to encourage new entrants, particularly those from groups currently underrepresented in the field. The following table provides a number of committed activities for CAMMSE to increase diversity participation. Through this participation, it is expected that the Center will increase interest in STEM disciplines and raise awareness of transportation-related careers amongst underrepresented groups.

Goal Activity
Increase STEM interest
  • Center will leverage existing outreach K-12 programs currently operated by UNC Charlotte, UT Austin, UConn, WSU and TSU.
Increase underrepresented groups and encourage minority institutions
  • Center will partner with the UNC Charlotte Scholarship Programs which seek to increase participation of underrepresented groups in graduate degree programs. Through this partnership, undergraduate students from underrepresented groups will participate in CAMMSE planned research activities to develop skills and foster interest that would support future attainment of graduate degrees.
  • Center will budget and advertise research assistantships to recruit minorities and underrepresented groups into programs at UNC Charlotte, UT Austin, Uconn, WSU and TSU, as well as multiple disciplines relevant to multimodal transportation. CAMMSE will target minority institutions that do not currently offer graduate programs.
Raise awareness of transportation careers
  • Center will fund travel grants for students involved in research projects to attend transportation conferences that will provide exposure and networking opportunities with practitioners and career specialists in transportation fields.